Monday, May 31, 2010

Yoga 4 mums

written by Cathy Underwood : Founder and creative director of Yoga4mums
Based in Middlesex, married and mother of two boys.

Cathy Underwood set up her yoga company just over a year ago. Now she’s the proud winner of the Barclays Innovative Business of the Year Award 2009. She is currently developing online service and is a contestant in the Barclays Take One Small Step competition 2010.
+44 (0)870 626 2020

Yoga4mums is a unique health initiative designed to encourage mums of all ages and fitness levels, back into gentle exercise and back into a social network, using online modules, community based classes and donation packages.

The online and community classes offer mum consistent support for her physical and emotional health during the various stages of her life. Our donation packages invite a larger area of the community to come together, practice yoga and help ‘give back’ to local schools, charities and community projects.

The perfect tool for a busy mum, yoga exercise helps to improve posture, strength and flexibility with breathing and relaxation techniques to soothe emotional stress.

Our goal is to blend yoga exercise with these innovative ideas to enable mums, of all ages and abilities, to be more active and socially connect, bringing families together within the local and global community.

Community packages include:
• Local classes and monthly workshops
• Pre and post natal classes
• “School Run” Yoga
• Mother and baby
• Kids and teens, nurseries and schools
• Charity classes and donation packages
• Mental Health & Learning Disabilities support programmes

Business modules:
• Onsite training and donation classes
• Wellness days and weekends
• Alternative teambuilding events
• ‘Walk Yoga, Talk Yoga’ – an active networking group for working mums

We hope to help the community in the follow way:
• Inspire community health awareness and wellbeing
• Raise valuable funds for schools and charities
• Encourage social interaction
• Offer participants the recommended 30mins exercise per day
• Healthier workforce, better output, calmer working environment
• Calmer, fitter, focused children & young adults
• Improved relations within the family
• Employment

Yoga4mums believe there is a special empathy and synergy between mothers that can benefit, strengthen and nurture a community. Our community classes, “school run” yoga, workshops and events encourage women to come together and increase their awareness of general health and wellbeing. They begin to interact with likeminded people and start to benefit from their shared experiences. The friendships that begin to blossom ripple back into the community and a new network of families support one another.

Yoga exercise has enormous benefits. It is a non-competitive activity and encourages participants to work at their own pace. It is a wonderful tool that helps build great self-esteem as it combines physical and mental health techniques to aid emotional stress and encourage general wellbeing.

Yoga4mums is a conscientious business idea and our donation classes have helped benefit local charities and schools, raising significant funds for them. We currently support and provide classes for TreeHouse, the national charity for autism, Cancer Research UK and The Isobel Hospice, with a growing number of schools running sessions through their parents and teachers association.

Local businesses can benefit using our yoga modules too. We actively encourage local employers and employees to take extra measures to protect their physical and mental wellbeing. Using tailor-made modules, we can offer tools and techniques to help cope with the demands of the workplace. The current, global climate means we are all under pressure to perform well at work but this cannot be to the detriment of our physical and mental wellbeing. Yoga4mums have designed packages to encourage better internal, working relationships, to inspire a stress free workplace.

Health awareness starts within the family and who better to inspire them but mum. From the womb to adulthood mum is generally the driving force and if she is healthy and happy then the family will be too. In an age when online games and social networking distracts from family interaction Yoga4mums want to encourage active, interaction to include the entire family whatever the age or ability. Yoga4mums is a benefit to the community as participants contribute and connect with a strong sense of purpose.

To find out more please contact Cathy Underwood:
+44 (0)870 626 2020

To support this business please view our video pitch:

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