Friday, May 28, 2010

My Pledge to the Animals

My Pledge to the Animals
written by
Pramada Shah
Vice President/ Animal Nepal
President /Animal Welfare Network Nepal

There seems to be no limit to the everyday crimes committed against animals in Nepal. The level of cruelty against every kind of species is so high and so commonplace that most of us simply close our eyes and ears and get on with our lives.

Stray dogs are regarded as pests, and left to die in the streets. Household pets are tied on short chains or locked up in tiny, dirty cages, 24 hours a day. Exercise , grooming, balanced diets and most of all love is something these poor creatures never see in their lives. Exotic breeds find their way to the market through unscrupulous breeders and dog dealers. They are mostly bought, to show-off, but noone seems to hear the yelping of tied up, hungry and thirsty pets. No one bothers to request their neighbors to untie the poor animal. We are all so afraid of not being taken seriously when talking about animal rights and welfare that we fail to speak up.

In the past I fought with people who kicked dogs or abused cows, I cajoled and shouted at neighbors who treated their pets cruelly. But I wasn’t pro-active in the true sense. I have let years go by ranting and raving about how badly our animals are treated. All this because I am one of those unfortunate ones who loves animals with all her heart and soul and wants to end their suffering (unfortunate because loving animals in a place like Nepal is living a life of constant mental torture). I cannot forgive myself for being silent for so long, watching the years go by instead of organizing, mobilizing, fundraising, rescuing and doing everything in my capacity to end the pain and the suffering of domestic, wild and pet animals.

I have finally seen the light and have stopped bothering about comments like: “Who cares about animals when there are so many humans suffering.” Of course I care about humans and will continue to fight to end human suffering. But I also care about animals equally and will be pro-active for them from this moment onwards. I will speak out for and work with animals. This is my pledge to them.

The crimes committed against these hapless creatures vary from the extreme to the gory (if one can categorize the level of pain and suffering) . We have rituals that are so bloody in nature that one hesitates to describe them. Live goats are being thrown into ponds and bitten and torn to death by cheering young men. Drunk men chase after thousands of sacrificial animals, armed to the tee with khukuris and machetes, creating untold suffering and a sea of blood. Thousands of animals are sacrificed in the name of religion, sacrifices done in the goriest of manners like slitting of throats and hacking of necks, all in the name of rituals, created by man, in the name of god, the creator and the protector of all living beings. Don’t all religions say the same thing? Isnt it man who created the rituals?

Buffaloes, goats, chicken etc are transported in the most inhumane of conditions. The animals are starved of water and food . They are piled on top of each other, tethered by their sensitive noses, their necks twisted, bones broken, eyes gorged. They arrive half or fully dead. Their adrenaline so high, that their meat is a breeding ground of toxins which are extremely hazardous to human health. But no one speaks out.

The suffering doesn’t end with their long painful journey to the drop-off point. They are dragged out of the vehicles by yanking their tails or simply hurled out of the trucks, or from atop busses before being herded off for the meat market and eventual death. They are tethered on short ropes in all kinds of weather with no place to rest or move in front of meat shops on the roadside. They are barely fed or watered. They are hacked to death in front of each other and the passers by. No one says a word.

Chicken and other feathered birds are stuffed into small cages in the most unhygienic of conditions. People queue up outside these shops for the meat they want to cook and relish. Silent about the conditions, silent about the suffering and unaware about the hazards to their own health.

The plight of working animals makes me want to cry. Donkeys, horses, mules, bullock, buffaloes, sheep are suffering physical torture beyond anyone’s imagination. They are made to carry burdens way beyond their capacity, pull carts and buggies overloaded with humans and goods on backs with festering wounds. They are flogged mercilessly if their battered and bruised bodies, weary from their heavy burdens stumble or fall. They work till they drop dead, relieved to leave this uncaring, cruel world behind. How inhuman can we be? How long are we going to allow this to happen? When are we going to raise a voice to change things for the better?

We breed monkeys for export for bio-medical research. Absolutely unnecessary and completely inhumane. Condemned by ethical people all over the world. There are enough alternate means for testing and substantiated research to prove the uselessness of using monkeys for medical research. This is so wrong. A group of animal rights campaigners tried to stop the monkey business through legal means. A writ has been filed in the Supreme Court against all those involved in this heinous crime of breeding and using primates for bio-medical research and those who are allowing it to happen. We want to save our monkeys from a fate worse than death. The torture and pain they have to go through is insurmountable. Thankfully the government has but a ban on this after much campaigning.

Mahatma Gandhi was so right in saying that the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. If we don’t get moving fast we will be judged as one of the most uncivilized societies in the world. A society, that treats its animals as inanimate objects, oblivious to the pain and suffering of these voiceless creatures.

Not everyone can be animal rights activists. But at least one can support movements and individuals who are fighting for the rights and welfare of animals. Support the campaign to get animal welfare legislation in place. Support initiatives that give animals the care they deserve. It’s the least we can do. Stop abusing animals. Become aware of the impact of your food, clothes and entertainment on the lives of animals. .Educate yourself, educate others and make a difference.

Humans can be known for their kindness and empathy. I invite anyone who wants to end animal abuse to join us. Help us clean up this awful, bloody mess and ensure the rights of Nepali animals. Help us to rescue and rehabilitate sick and injured animals. Help us to introduce humane working conditions, transportation and slaughter. Help us to bring abusers to book. Help us to fight for a clause in the Constitution that guarantees the humane treatment of Nepali animals. We invite the international community of animal lovers to join us.

In the New Nepal let’s make sure our animals are no longer left out.

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