Tuesday, February 24, 2009


written by Mara L.Camilleri
Interior designer and certified feng shui practitioner

In most interiors, plants have certainly a very important role: not only they are part of our interior decoration but it seems that certain houseplants purify the air of our homes. Infact the presence of elements, such as formaldehyde,trichloroethlylen and benzene in all indoor environments, underline the importance of finding a solution to indoor air pollution which is a real fact.
At the same time,it looks like that these are of the easiest plants to grow!!!

It has to be stressed that formaldehyde is an important chemical used widely by industry to manufacture building materials and numerous household products.Sources of formaldehyde in the home include building materials, smoking, household products, and the use of un-vented, fuel-burning appliances, like gas stoves or kerosene space heaters.

As far as it regards benzene people can be exposed to it indoors at home, where the air can contain higher levels of benzene than outdoor air, from products such as glue, paint, furniture wax, and detergent.
Approximately half the national exposure to benzene comes from smoking cigarettes or being exposed to cigarette smoke, indoors or outdoors.

Here below you will find the list of the twelve plants which where tested during the NASA/ALCA research [in a sealed experimental chamber during a 24 hour exposure period]:

• Bamboo palm, Chamaedorea seifritzii
• Chinese evergreen, Aglaonema modestum
• English ivy
• Fiscus, Benjamina
• Gerbera daisy, Transvaal daisy
• Dracaena 'Janet Craig'
• Dracaena 'Marginata'
• Corn cane, Dracaena massangeana
• Mother-in-law's tongue, Sansevieria laurentii
• Peace lily, Spathiphyllum 'Mauna Loa'
• Pot mum, Chrysanthemum

It was found that to remove Trichloroethylene concentrations from the air,Gerbera daisy, Dracaena Marginata, Peace lily (Spathiphyllum), Dracaena 'Janet Craig' and Bamboo palm should be used.
Moreover to remove Benzene concentrations in the air the most effective plants are the following: Bamboo palm, Dracaena 'Janet Craig', Mother-in-law's tongue, Dracaena Marginata, Peace lily and green Spider plant.
Part of the results of the research regarded the removing of Formaldehyde and the top seven houseplants were found to be the following: Bamboo palm, Dracaena 'Janet Craig', Mother-in-law's tongue, Dracaena Marginata, Peace lily, green Spider plant, and golden pathos.

It is estimated, as a result of this research, that 15 to 20 of these test houseplants can purify the interior of a typical house of 1,800 square feet.

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