written by Nicoletta Crudeli
Reiki practioner
Reiki is a sanscrit term which means connection between our proper vital center(ki) and the universal center.
It is a tecnique of natural healing but it is most of all a path towards selfestime and great changes.
Through reiki we can learn how to canalize the energy of universe in ourselves and in others through the use of the most simple of the means:our hands.
This tecnique was discovered around the middle of XIX century from the japanese monch Mikao Usui and was diffused in the western world by the great master Hawayo Takata.
The tecnique has been passed over from one master to the other, till it arrived to us.It's not a case that in an era full of transitions and changes,like the one we are living,it is offered to all humans through three levels, with the possibility to access to the source of love and energy which is capable of recreating in us the harmony inside and outside.
even though humanity has reached extremely elevated levels of knowledge,research and tecnology is still facing the risk of its extintion.It is required a
higher sense of responsability from each of us.
As written before there are three different levels for accessing to the source:
The first level regards the activation of the energetic channels and during this fase we are capable to cure ourselvs and the others.
At the second level the person who operates reiki receives a specific "activation" which gives him the ability to use three symbols.
These simbols are made out of a form, a sound and a positive thought which is connected to the form.The symbols cannot be written or spoken to somebody
who hasn't been "activated".
The third level is the reiki master during which another symbol is given and permits to the master to operate the activations.
Reiki can rappresent a great help during humans' life, given that it helps us reconnect in a more profound way, with ourselvs and all that surrounds us.
Infact it is not only a tecnique of cure but also a chance towards change, a new way of being in harmony with out inner essence.It nurrishes our spirit
and body by sustaining our groth and evolution.Through reiki our body's energy circulates in a more regular way and cronical aches can gradually fade.
Moreover procedures of dixitontication are aviated and a great state of relaxing feelinf is induced.
Reiki helps humans to maintain a good health and conduct a life and this is why it is practised with extreme respect towards the others and ourselvs.
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