Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Introduction to eco-design

written by Mara Camilleri

This term referres to the construction of buildings,products and places through processes that are sensitive to environmental issues.Eco-design is also known as "green design" ,"design for environment" or "sustainable design" given that it relates people to the natural environment.It ranges from the creation of simple objects for everyday use till the design of buildings and cities.Several fields are getting involved on a daily basis such as:architecture,interior design,fashion design even art.

Principles of eco-design

The most important principle of green design is the respectful creation which has nothing to do with the violation of what was there before. We can not talk about sustainable design if we are not able to consider the ecological cost of our constructions.From the macroscopic to the microscopic world, green design is about trying to establish a reasonable bond between our expectations and the result in terms of ecological impact.
One of the fundamental principles of eco-design is based on the use of materials that can be recycled and reused in the future.In this way there's little energy which is required during the process of their "production".
Furthermore it is clear that the better the materials,in terms of durability and quality, the more long-lasting the products are and their replacement is less frequent.

By choosing to create in an eco friendly way, a higher effectiveness and efficiency are achieved in terms of energy and materials.Moreover through sustainable design, the impact on the enivironment is minimized so we can all try for a "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." This definition was created in 1987 at the World Commission on Environment and Development (the Brundtland Commission).
But green design is not only about concerving natural resources,is more than that!It's about creating better living conditions which protect better your health.

"there is a big creative challenge in finding your place with respect among all that which was there before you arrived.."
mara c.l

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