Monday, October 4, 2010

Yoga posture of the month

Yoga posture of the month - The Deep Seated Warrior Pose
by Cathy Underwood, Creative Director of award winning Yoga4mums

Namaste! Welcome to the first in a series of yoga postures offering tips and ideas to help you live a flexible, tension free life!

So, I’m sitting in front of my computer deciding which posture to offer you and I’m wondering which would be the most practical and useful? Then it dawns on me that we’re probably sitting in exactly the same place, in a chair at a desk? This is great as it perfectly demonstrates the reason I have chosen the Deep Seated Warrior Pose as my posture of the month. A posture to stretch, open and alleviate tension from the hip flexors and help improve postural alignment.

In our modern society, most of us spend a fair amount of time sitting — sitting at the computer, watching television, driving in the car. In the seated position, the muscles of the hip flexor are in a constant state of flexion and this causes the muscles to shorten. When the hip flexors are tight the pelvis tilts forward, limiting the muscles ability to fully extend and causing an imbalance in the hip area which in turn can lead to lower back and postural problems.
The Deep Seated Warrior Pose is just one of many yoga postures that helps stretch and create space about the hip flexors. Try this posture daily to help prevent the many problems that afflict us, from lower back issues to neck and shoulder complaints. Why not stand up and try this one now? There’s no time like the present!
• Stand up and take a couple of deep breaths, stretching the arms up over the head on the inhale and releasing them down to your side on the exhale
• Find a space and come on to all fours aware of the breath and gently zipping up through your core to support the spine
• Place your right foot in the space between your hands, under the chest. Be sure the foot is flat and the knee is sitting directly over the ankle. If the supporting knee is sensitive try placing a blanket underneath it for comfort
• Inhale and lift the body, leading with the heart, gazing forward. Relax your shoulders and gently guide the hips forward a little. Breath freely and noticed the stretch and release about the front of the hip and into the front of the thigh
• Stay in posture for five deep and even breaths. When ready repeat on the other side.
If you experience any pain or discomfort or should you have any hip related injuries please consult your GP before continuing yoga exercise.
Om shanti!
Cathy Underwood is Creative Director of Yoga4Mums an award winning business that won the Barclays Innovative Business of the Year Award 2009 and she is a finalist in the Barclays Trading Places Award 2010. For more information please visit

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